Finlay William G. - Races in chaos

Author : Finlay William G.
Title : Races in chaos
Year : 1*

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My sincere thanks are accorded to the library of the University of the Witwatersrand for allowing me free access to many of the technical books quoted. Also to the numerous friends without whose enthusiasm this book would never have been completed. To Professor O. S. Heyns for the several hours he so freely gave and also his encouragement and, finally, to the Rev. L. Shaw Butler for his most valuable editing. William G. Finlay. Foreword. I AM glad to be able to write the foreword for this book, particularly as its aim is to provide a directive against the hazards encountered in the propagation of the doctrine of miscegenation. In this book Mr. Finlay has dealt with a difficult and contentious theme, one in which there can be no compromise. He has blended as simply as possible the scriptural admonitions against the corruption of flesh with the considered opinions of men of science. Mankind is ever searching for truth, for without this he has neither food for wisdom nor principle for conduct. It is obvious that light from a source other than that of man is imperative in this search, for the finite mind of man is unable, on his own, to arrive at the conclusion of fact. Scientific experimentation during the past fifty years has led to a greater understanding of much of the mysteries which surround the origin, nature and behaviour of homo sapiens. Scientific facts are established through continued and repeated testings of conclusions—but what has prompted and instigated the experiment? No flame is kindled without a spark, and in science this, I believe, is the activity of God in revelation to man. Science is a word which grips the imagination and is surrounded with an aura of romance. In fact, science is a hard taskmaster, ever demanding corroboration of fact until truth emerges, proven and irrefutable. It may be said of those who are pre-occupied with science and its importance that the researches, excluding technology, that have proved significant for our times are traceable to specific Caucasian racial elements. Endeavours are certainly being made today by scientists alien to this group, and it is likely to prove instructive to wait and see just how much that is of fundamental value emerges from them—from even the Russian borderland of these peoples. These alien groups are the goyim nations that are of Japhetic-Mongolian descent and the Negroid or non-white groups. It is significant that these alien groups are not specifically mentioned in the scriptures and are only indirectly referred to as in the scriptural record of Deuteronomy Chapter 27 and Leviticus Chapter 20. With the non-white groups, i.e. the dark races, the name Ham is associated. The Hamite experience in Africa is inescapable. From the land of Ham (Egypt) and elsewhere, certain of the sons of Ham migrated and mingled with practically all the African indigenes of the time. "A servant of servants shall he be." This epigram is reflected in Ruanda where Hamitic progeny are represented in at least three strata of humanity with corresponding subjugation. Whether or not the same principle of servitude would have applied had the Shemites committed miscegenation with the African indegenes is open to contemplation. Statistics reveal that the Bantu were raised from their Negro, or generally primeval state, through intermarriage with the Hamites. On the other hand it cannot be questioned that the Hamite was himself debased through this miscegenation. One admits that, through the Egyptian "Khem", "Ham" connotes a blackish colour, this being the nearest to which the scripture even approaches the treatment of the black races except for the inference recorded in Noah's curse, "a servant of servants shall he be". How this latter transpired, apart from the result of miscegenation, is difficult to see. The descendants of Adam were tainted by the "fall" in Eden. The Divine intention of restoration was immediately proclaimed and process begun. This was never intended to be retarded by miscegenation, evidence of which is found in the narrative of the Flood. Cohabitation between the different species is a violation of the basic biological law as set out in the opening chapters of the Bible. Later there is a clear injunction in the Law, given at Sinai, that cattle should not be allowed to gender with a diverse kind nor should there be the sowing of fields with mingled seed, not to mention the command that the holy people should not make marriage with other nations. Science does not pretend to adumbrate the advisability of breeding hybrids. The tradition that hybrids are genetically and developmentally inferior cannot be finally substantiated although it must be admitted that geneticists do not advocate intermarriage. On a personal note I would like to state that if there were unlimited mingling of seed, time would ultimately produce structural uniformity. How monotonous a uniform world would be—like the tropics! What hope of advancement would remain? The probability of extinction would be high. The order homo would be in complete chaos with contamination. What prospect could there possibly be of the restoration of man spiritually and to the similitude of the intended state in Eden? The apostle Paul points out that these things are foolishness to the psuchikos. Today the world problem of race seems to be revolving round the fact of intermarriage and the mixing of races. If we believe that miscegenation between white and black is as between different species, the issue will be hybrid and should not be condoned. Whether the black race is primitive man or pre-Adamic or not, he is not discussed in scripture, there is nothing to favour such miscegenation, nor anything in science to support it; in fact all round there is a great deal which condemns it. Mr. Finlay's clearly stated hypothesis, unequivocally supported by scripture, has led me to the realisation of many things, not the least of which is the fact surrounding the Virgin Birth of our Lord. The Virgin Birth was not biologically parthenogenetic. It is inconceivable that an ovum representing the Virgin's earthly line could be involved, thus contaminating the Son of God in heaven with the "fallen" aspect of that family line. The simple medical facts concerning this contentious subject should be again considered and it will be found that that which the Word of God claims is indeed the truth. Jesus Christ was, as the Bible claims, the Very Son of God. To all, I commend this book. It contains no fanciful ramblings designed to stir up racial animosity. It is a clear and lucid exposition of the facts concerning the problem of race and it is my sincere hope that it may prove a light to those who wander in the gloom of races in chaos. ...

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