Teilhard de Chardin Pierre - The Divine Milieu

Author : Teilhard de Chardin Pierre
Title : The Divine Milieu
Year : 1960

Link download : Teilhard_de_Chardin_Pierre_-_The_Divine_Milieu.zip

Note. Le Milieu Divin is Volume Four in Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's collected works as published in France, coming between La Vision du Passe and L'Avenir de l'Homme. In England it is Volume Two in the series, having been preceded by The Phenomenon of Man in 1959. If The Phenomenon of Man contained the kernel of Teilhard's scientific thought, Le Milieu Divin, written somewhat earlier, is the key to the religious meditation that accompanied it. All Teilhard's works involve grave problems for the translators, and the present version of Le Milieu Divin is the result of much discussion and collaboration. Participants have included Mr Alick Dru, Mr Noel Lindsay, Professor D. M. MacKinnon and my wife. Professor MacKinnon's help was outstanding, and readers owe him a special debt of gratitude. Perhaps what most needs explanation is the retention of 'the original French title. This has been done more by necessity than by choice. The word milieu has no exact equivalent in English as it implies both centre and environment or setting; and even the normal use in England of the word milieu seems to have insular overtones. One suggested title, 'In the Context of God', did not meet with the approval of the French Committee in charge of the publication of Teilhard's works ; and I myself did not feel that another, 'The Divine Environment', was close enough to the original. As we could reach no agreed solution, we left the title in French. As a result of this, it was decided to retain the word milieu throughout the text also. Readers are asked to understand this word in the precise French connotation in which it was used by the author. BERNARD WALL General Editor of the Works of Teilhard de Chardin. ...

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