Tag - Protestant

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Friday 5 December 2014

Laurie Pillans Arthur - The case for Germany

Author : Laurie Pillans Arthur Title : The case for Germany A study of modern Germany Year : 1939 Link download : Laurie_Pillans_Arthur_-_The_case_for_Germany.zip Preface. It is a great pleasure to me to introduce the public to Dr. Laurie's valuable book on modern Germany . He is best known to the  […]

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Tuesday 16 September 2014

Pierce William Luther - Sur le christianisme

Auteur : Pierce William Luther Ouvrage : Sur le christianisme Année : 1982 Lien de téléchargement : Pierce_William_Luther_-_Sur_le_christianisme.zip Dans cet article de 1982, William Pierce fait une superbe démonstration de maîtrise intellectuelle sur la Question Chrétienne. La Nouvelle Droite  […]

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Monday 14 July 2014

Dixon Thomas - The failure of protestantism in New York and its causes

Author : Dixon Thomas Title : The failure of protestantism in New York and its causes Year : 1896 Link download : Dixon_Thomas_-_The_failure_of_protestantism_in_New_York_and_its_causes.zip Author's introductory note. This little book says and proves that Protestantism is a failure in New York.  […]

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Sunday 9 March 2014

Neser Frederick Wilhelm Cornelius - The new heavens and the new Earth

Author : Neser Frederick Wilhelm Cornelius Title : The new heavens and the new Earth 'Complete Study' Year : 2005 Link download : Neser_Frederick_Wilhelm_Cornelius_-_The_new_heavens_and_the_new_Earth.zip The New Heavens and the New Earth. To commence this study let us read the entire chapter 3 of  […]

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Neser Frederick Wilhelm Cornelius - Noah the man without blemish

Author : Neser Frederick Wilhelm Cornelius Title : Noah the man without blemish Year : 2008 Link download : Neser_Frederick_Wilhelm_Cornelius_-_Noah_the_man_without_blemish.zip Noah the Just Man. This morning we will read together from Genesis 6:1-13. Genesis 6:1-13 : 1 AND it came to pass, when  […]

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Neser Frederick Wilhelm Cornelius - Moses and his Cushite wife

Author : Neser Frederick Wilhelm Cornelius Title : Moses and his Cushite wife Year : 2009 Link download : Neser_Frederick_Wilhelm_Cornelius_-_Moses_and_his_Cushite_wife.zip Moses and his “Cushite” Wife. We live in the most turbulent times ever. If we thus talk about the danger of complete  […]

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Mitchell Alexander W. - The Waldenses Sketches of the evangelical christians of the valleys of Piedmont

Author : Mitchell Alexander W. Title : The Waldenses Sketches of the evangelical christians of the valleys of Piedmont Year : 1853 Link download : Mitchell_Alexander_W_-_The_Waldenses_Sketches_of_the_evangelical_christians_of_the_valleys_of_Piedmont.zip Preface. The Waldensian Church is the  […]

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Monday 3 March 2014

Wylie James Aitken - The history of protestantism

Author : Wylie James Aitken Title : The history of protestantism Year : 1870 Link download : Wylie_James_Aitken_-_The_history_of_protestantism.zip Publisher's preface. The Rev. James Aitken Wylie was for many years a leading Protestant spokesman. Born in Scotland in 1808, he was educated at  […]

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Wednesday 29 January 2014

Armstrong Herbert W. - Mystery of the ages

Author : Armstrong Herbert W. Title : Mystery of the ages Year : 1985 Link download : Armstrong_Herbert_W_-_Mystery_of_the_ages.zip Did you ever ask yourself : “Who am I ? What am I ? Why am I ?” You are a mystery. The world about you is a mystery. Now, you can understand ! ...  […]

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Saturday 25 January 2014

Comparet Bertrand L. - Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea

Author : Comparet Bertrand L. Title : Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea Year : 19* Link download : Comparet_Bertrand_L_-_Nicodemus_and_Joseph_of_Arimathea.zip About Pastor Dr. Bertrand L. Comparet, A. B., J. D. Upon reading these most interesting discussions one will quickly recognize that the  […]

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Balder Ex-Libris
Review of books rare and missing

Balder Ex-Libris