Tag - Trinidad

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Monday 28 May 2012

Furlong Charles Wellington - Cayenne The Dry Guillotine

Author : Furlong Charles Wellington Title : Cayenne The Dry Guillotine Year : 1913 Link download : Furlong_Charles_Wellington_-_Cayenne_The_Dry_Guillotine.zip OFF Port of Spain, Trinidad, the dull gray cattle-boat Fagersand, loaded with Orinoco beef for French Guiana, rode at anchor on the sapphire  […]

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Belbenoit René - Dry Guillotine Fifteen Years amongst the Living Dead

Author : Belbenoit René Title : Dry Guillotine Fifteen Years amongst the Living Dead Year : 1938 Link download : Belbenoit_Rene_-_Dry_Guillotine_Fifteen_Years_amongst_the_Living_Dead.zip To the island of Trinidad, washed up on the tail end of a Caribbean hurricane, had come a slender water-logged  […]

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