Tuesday 4 March 2025

Flanagan Gillis Patrick - Elixir of the ageless

Author : Flanagan Gillis Patrick
Title : Elixir of the ageless You are what you drink The healing power of liquid crystal water electro-colloiadal mineral concentrate
Year : 2016

Link download : Flanagan_Gillis_Patrick_-_Elixir_of_the_ageless.zip

The elixir of the ageless. High in the mountains of northern India, in the foothills of the Hindu Kush lies the legendary Shangri La. The movie Lost Horizon was filmed in the area of the small country known as Hunza. In the film, Shangri La was a high altitude hidden valley surrounded by jagged mountain peaks. The people of Shangri La lived in an age-less condition as long as they stayed in their valley which had the power to bestow eternal youth upon those who lived there. Although Shangri La is just a legend, most legends have some basis in fact. In the rugged land of Hunza, people have lifespans of up to 130 years and enjoy excellent health free of the diseases that ravage modern man. In fact, many of these people have children after the age of 100! The trek to Hunzaland is treacherous. As the traveler leaves Shrinagar he climbs high into the Karakorum mountains using narrow trails that cling perilously to rocky slopes. He crosses hanging rope bridges that span chasms dropping 3,000 feet to icy rivers. Eventually he reaches the 8,000 foot mountain valley which is Hunzaland. This hidden valley is surrounded by over 100 mountains that rise above 20,000 feet. ...

Flanagan Gillis Patrick - Beyond pyramid power

Author : Flanagan Gillis Patrick Title : Beyond pyramid power The science of the cosmos II Year : 1975 Link download : Flanagan_Gillis_Patrick_-_Beyond_pyramid_power.zip Foreword. Since I wrote my two previous publications on pyramid energy in 1971 (The Pyramid and its Relationship to Biocosmic  […]

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Flanagan Gillis Patrick - Pyramid power

Author : Flanagan Gillis Patrick Title : Pyramid power Year : 1973 Link download : Flanagan_Patrick_-_Pyramid_power_1973.zip Pat Flanagan has been researching Bio-Energy phenomena since he was in his early teens. A prolific Scientist- Inventor, he has worked on such far-reaching projects as  […]

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Dannelley Richard - Sedona

Author : Dannelley Richard Title : Sedona : beyond the vortex Year : 1995 Link download : Dannelley_Richard_-_Sedona.zip Activating the planetary ascension program with sacred geometry, the vortex, and the merkaba. Creating the new age of peace and healing using the power of group consciousness and  […]

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Begich Nick - Towards a new alchemy

Author : Begich Nick Title : Towards a new alchemy The millenium science Year : 1996 Link download : Begich_Nick_-_Towards_a_new_alchemy.zip About the author. Dr. Nick Begich is the eldest son of the late United States Congressman from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political activist Pegge Begich.  […]

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Saturday 1 March 2025

Shou Peryt - Central sun

Author : Shou Peryt (Schultz Albert Christian Georg) Title : Central sun The esoteric philosophy of Peryt Shou Year : 1912 Link download : Shou_Peryt_-_Central_sun.zip Albert Christian Georg Schultz, better known by the pen-name of"Peryt Sbou," was born on April 22, 1873 the son of an  […]

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Sunday 23 February 2025

Shou Peryt - The Edda as key to the coming age

Author : Shou Peryt (Schultz Albert Christian Georg) Title : The Edda as key to the coming age Year : 1920 Link download : Shou_Peryt_-_The_Edda_as_key_to_the_coming_age.zip Editor's introduction. Peryt Shou, whose legal name was Albert Christian Georg Schultz, was born the son of an innkeeper on  […]

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Sunday 16 February 2025

Haupt Reginald - The gods of the lodge

Author : Haupt Reginald C. (Jr) Title : The gods of the lodge Year : 2011 Link download : Haupt_Reginald_-_The_gods_of_the_lodge.zip Foreword by Texe Marrs. Masonic Hoodwink - Deceiving and Being Deceived “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived...” (II  […]

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Hanson Mike - Bohemian grove

Author : Hanson Mike Title : Bohemian grove Cult of conspiracy Year : 2012 Link download : Hanson_Mike_-_Bohemian_grove.zip My first thanks should go to my friend Alex Jones, a great patriot and broadcaster. Together we produced an access television show together for over nine years, as well as  […]

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Marrs Texe - Mega forces

Author : Marrs Texe Title : Mega forces Rush to Armageddon Signs and wonders of the coming chaos Year : 1987 Link download : Marrs_Texe_-_Mega_forces.zip A special message from Texe Marrs. What is in your immediate future? What lies in store for your loved ones? The signs and wonders of today’s  […]

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Balder Ex-Libris
Review of books rare and missing

Balder Ex-Libris