Goebbels Joseph - My part in Germany's Fight

Author : Goebbels Joseph
Title : My part in Germany's Fight
Year : 1940

Link download : Goebbels_Joseph_-_My_part_in_Germany_s_Fight.zip

PREFACE. THE historical revolviduals and parties, have had to abandon public life in favour of new men and new ideas. The sheer speed by which the Revolution was carried out, and the self-evidence with which it was accepted by the broad masses of the German people, have caused its effects to penetrate so deeply into the national consciousness, that no one in Germany to-day dreams but they are irrevocable and have come to stay. Once more the Government stands at the head of the country as the strong source of its will. Currents of fresh energy and resolution flow thence throughout the mass of the people, to the very last village and the very last man_ On account of the great rate ,at which the German Revolution went through, the contemporary onlooker may have lost, somewhat, clear perception as to how these historical events are brought about. That which yesterday was paradox, has become a triviality to-day. Things unthinkable, chimerical but a few months ago, are become to-day mere matters of course, about which no one makes any further ado. The idea of this book is to offer a summary of the historical happenings in Germany during 1932 and the beginning of 1933, in the form of a diary. The author had neither the wish nor the power to write a comprehensive objective history of so significant a period for Germany. He stood then, and still stands, in the midst of events. He was called upon to take an active part in them. It was neither his temperament nor his wish to watch their sequence from out the quiet of the professional study, or to treat them in an impersonal and neutral mo,nner. From the very outset he actively espoused them, and furthered them with all his might and main, so that they might be brought about. He who takes up this book looking for a history, in the ordinary acceptance of the word, will seek it there in vain. All inscribed in these pages was jotted down in the hurry and flurry of the day, and often by night. It bears evidence of the shocks and fierce emotions aroused by the events recorded, which carried everyone away who actively took part in them. It is strongly coloured by the passions of the moment, and deeply impressed by them. God's hand has been upon it all. He has visibly directed the Leader and his Movement. Only the faithless affirm that it has been luck which has favoured us. In reality, General von Moltke's saying, " In the long run it is only the clever man who is lucky," applies to the Leader and his Party. That which had long been preparing, and which had grown organically, broke forth like a torrent on January 30th, 1933, onwards, and swept over the whole country. The German Revolution has imposed personal and material sacrifices on leaders and men, of which the public up to now has no idea. The peaceful unrolling of events often leads those who took no part in them to suppose that power fell into our laps like fruit, without us doing anything about it. This supposition is unfortunate, in that it ignores the wealth of sacrifice which the Movement, following its own compulsion, was bound to exact, and might even lead to the idea that we had not really deserved to come to power. The express purpose of this book is to dispose of such errors once and for all. The unprejudiced reader will come to the conclusion that if anyone, we National Socialists, and none others, had a just claim to power, and that everything that took f lace was a natural consequence of the unalterable laws o higher historical development. The adversaries of the National Socialist Movement never wearied, when opposed to us, of trying to drive a wedge between the Leader and his original colleagues. From their point of view this was easily to be understood. They were not so foolish as not to know that their only chance of deflecting the Movement from its objects, and of ruining it at length, lay in breaking up the community of National Socialist leadership. It was seldom that the men round Adolf Hitler elected 10 fight the advenary with his own weapons. They knew only too well they could not put a stop to the campaign of lies in the Press by so doing; however deep they might have to wade in the mud themselves there was one thing so sacred nobody dared impugn it, but which they would only openly profess under strong inducement, i.e. their unshakable love, fidelity, and devotion to the Leader. They felt themselves one with the political troops enlrusted to their guidance. They shared their sacrifices, they shared their blind devotion for the man to whom they lt:1cl given themselves, and to whose hands they hoped to ronfide the German Nation. T his book is a monument to the Party in its great struggle, and to the " Sturm Abteil ung" (S.A., Storm Troops). It offers more to the world than could be gathered from any erection of stone or marble. ...

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