Weber Charles E. - The "Holocaust" 120 Questions and Answers

Author : Weber Charles E.
Title : The "Holocaust" 120 Questions and Answers
Year : 1983

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Nearly four decades after the end of the Second World War a number of questions remain as to the origins and conduct of the tragic conflict, which still casts a shadow over all mankind, although innumerable books have been written about this war, scholarly, popular, propagandistic and simply fictional. One of the questions of great significance is the plight of European Jews during the war. Living in a land with a very powerful and vociferous Jewish minority, we Americans still encounter almost daily materials of various sorts pertaining to this aspect of the war, materials created for the most part with a sophisticated calculation. This book has been written primarily for the benefit of thinking, open-minded Americans who want to become familiar with more than one view of the question in order to arrive at the truth. As one participant in the war, I am attempting here to give a view of that aspect based on my own experiences in military intelligence, as well as on subsequent reading, published research and lecturing. As a result of the present and persistent importance of the subject, much innovative investigation has taken place on both sides of the Atlantic, particularly during the last decade or so. My attempt here is not to present much of my own research on special phases of the question. My attempt is, rather, to summarize the findings of those who have investigated the present questions and have cast doubts of various kinds on the generally accepted versions, to give some background on developments which led to the plight of the Jews and to present some of the chief points of evidence which have caused sincere, objective investigators to question popularly held, energetically propagated versions of this phase of the war. I have attempted to set forth information and observations in a form readily accessible to those readers who have not concerned themselves as specialists in this area and in a form also suitable for use as a school study guide. Furthermore, I have frequently given references to some of the more important and recent specialized literature on which I have drawn in order to lead readers to the more detailed works. The references following many of the answers, however, have a second obiective. By including them I wish to acknowledge my debt to those courageous and creative researchers who have made this essentially propaedeutic work possible. Charles E. Weber, Ph.D. Formerly Head of the Department of Modern Languages, The University of Tulsa. Spring, 1983. ...

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